
This page is a list of AFT reports.

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Labor Risk Report cover image
The AFT created this report at the request of trustees from AFT members’ public pension plans, who seek information that is often hidden or not shared with them...
PE Short Staffing Task Force Report 2024 cover
Following over a year of research, discussion and exploration into the crisis of an understaffed public sector, the AFT Public Employees Short Staffing Task For...


AFT Report on Scapegoats and School Closures cover image
AFT has prepared this report on the investigation conducted by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (“Select Subcommittee”). Although the S...
Cover of Likes Vs. Learning Report
This report by the AFT, ParentsTogether and other organizations, draws upon the experiences of educators, parents, students and mental health professionals, as ...
Beyond Burnout
AFT teamed up with Educators Thriving for a yearlong study culminating in this report, which details practical, research-based solutions to improve the chronic ...
Student Debt Forgiveness report
AFT represents 1.7 million teachers: paraprofessionals, school staff, healthcare professionals, higher education faculty and other public employees. In other wo...
3 Fu llReporton Surve Gary cover
This report highlights the voices of Gary educators, school staff, parents and community members who believe that the future of Gary schools requires a strong i...


Healthcare Staffing Shortage Report
Our nation’s healthcare facilities were dangerously understaffed prior to the pandemic. And for nearly three years, health professionals have worked through unp...