
This page is a list of AFT reports.

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Common Sense cover
As education moves into this new phase, we must use technology in service of creating classroom environments where students learn to think critically, they are ...
Across the United States, educators are mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect. But reporting rarely helps protect children from harm. We need an altern...


Labor Risk Report cover image
The AFT created this report at the request of trustees from AFT members’ public pension plans, who seek information that is often hidden or not shared with them...
report cover
Assessments should first and foremost be about supporting student learning and providing teachers with information that guides their instruction, yet students s...
In 1989, the AFT heard these concerns from our members and responded by creating the Ad Hoc Committeeon Healthcare Responsibilities in Special Education. This c...
For decades, educators have questioned mandatory reporting. Does the requirement that we report any possible trauma in the homes of our students actually help c...
PE Short Staffing Task Force Report 2024 cover
Following over a year of research, discussion and exploration into the crisis of an understaffed public sector, the AFT Public Employees Short Staffing Task For...


AFT Report on Scapegoats and School Closures cover image
AFT has prepared this report on the investigation conducted by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (“Select Subcommittee”). Although the S...