Americans know that our strength has always been built on the simple notion that America is a place where many become one. The AFT, as the representative of those who teach and care for our next generation, is working to open the path to opportunity and the American dream for the next generation of immigrants and citizens. The time for commonsense, comprehensive and compassionate immigration reform is long overdue. —Randi Weingarten
Immigrants and the threat of deportation. Also in Spanish.
Information for educators, students and families. Also available in Spanish.
What you should know before a raid. Includes English and Spanish versions.
DACA works
Member voices
Immigration crackdown plants fear among students, families
America is a country of immigrants (Also in Spanish)
Protecting Immigrant Students, Educators and Caregivers
AFT on Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant executive orders
AFT letter to DHS and Dept. of Ed. condemning the immigration raids
AFT Leaders Condemn Raids Targeting Refugee Women and Children