Public Services

This year, we celebrate a major milestone: the 20th anniversary of the first Jim McGarvey Public Employee breakfast. This breakfast series was established in 2004 to bring together convention delegates interested in government issues and public employment, highlight speakers who could shed light on the diverse issues facing government employees, and honor Jim McGarvey.


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Following over a year of research, discussion and exploration into the crisis of an understaffed public sector, the AFT Public Employees Short Staffing Task Force is proud to release their recommendations in a new report titled Making Democracy Work: Real Solutions for Recruiting and Retaining Public Employees.

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Their gaze on the horizon, AFT public employees brainstormed solutions at their professional issues conference, tackling the most serious issues facing workers in the public sector, from staffing shortages to artificial intelligence to retirement security. They met in Baltimore Nov. 16-18, using the theme, “Focus on the Future: Rebuilding our Communities with a Strong Public Service.”

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Public Services

In focus

Criminal justice and public safety professionals in the AFT support our union’s agenda to work toward justice for all and civil and human rights.
Our union collaborates with many other experts and allies to advocate for public works projects that rebuild resilient, modern and safe infrastructure systems.
The AFT works with the entire labor movement together in the AFL-CIO to support trade policies that enhance labor rights and worker voice on the job.
We support efforts to collect online sales and use taxes, stop overseas tax shelters and ensure that taxes owed are taxes paid through an effective tax auditing program.
The AFT works with affiliates to address workplace bullying and to reclaim the promise of safe and healthy workplaces.
We support defined benefit pension programs that provide a stable and secure retirement for all government employees.