
Peer Assistance and Review: Pathways to Growth

Peer assistance and review (PAR) is an approach to teacher evaluation that, done right, produces the results everyone claims to want—keeping effective teachers and removing ineffective ones—and at the same time gives teachers a chance to own their profession. These programs involve support, reflective practice, and growth for teachers. PAR programs are directly aimed at improving teacher quality by having expert teachers mentor and support both new and struggling teachers. 

More than three decades since the beginning of PAR, there is clear evidence that PAR programs are successful. Today, there are many different versions and iterations, but across the country districts with PAR praise the successes and improvements they have seen in their teachers and students. The AFT has sought to understand how some districts have been able to develop and sustain these programs and what other districts can do to move beyond the barriers and toward a system of teacher-led growth and support. 
