Education & Learning Opportunities
Lesson plans and professional development to support students and your goals.
Discover exclusive AFT family discounts, financial aid and grants for college — so that costs don't stand in the way of your family's education dreams. Currently offering programs at Empire State University with other institutions coming soon.
NewsGuard is a tool to help you and your students assess the reliability of online news and information. A team of trained journalists rates thousands of news and information sites using basic, apolitical journalistic standards and writes Nutrition Label reviews explaining how each website is rated.
GPTZero provides cutting edge technology to help identify when content, such as an essay or assignment, was produced using generative AI, as well as providing students with tools to verify their own original work. We give educators clarity and transparency into the use of AI in the classroom, allowing them to better help their students use AI technology effectively.
This program offers four 4-year, $8,000 post-secondary scholarships to students who are dependents of AFT members, as well as 10 one-time $1,000 grants to AFT members.
Since 1991, the Union Plus Scholarship Program has awarded more than $4.5 million to students of working families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education.
Summer will help you get your loans under control. Started by student loan borrowers who wanted to help others, Summer helps members navigate the student loan repayment landscape.
As a union, we are fighting to make college affordable and student debt manageable. However, more than 45 million people in the United States are saddled with student loan debt. We offer ways to help our members and affiliates.