Getting to Know My Child: A Guide for My Child's Kindergarten Teacher This guide walks you through the process of sharing what you know about your child with the kindergarten teacher who will be working with your child in the new school year. Also included in the parent section of Transitioning to Kindergarten [Note: update link when content is moved to new site] are 36 engaging, skill-building activities for you to try at home.
In the Classroom
Right from the Start: Transition strategies for developing a strong preK-3 continuum This study, funded through the Pew Charitable Trusts, highlights many field-tested measures to building an effective, collaborative environment between the pre-K and elementary communities. The strategies are based on a presentation made at AFT's 2011 TEACH Conference by P-3 expert Kristi Kauerz and her work at Harvard Graduate School of Education and the University of Washington.
EC E-learning: A National Review of Early Childhood Education Distance Learning Program Distance learning, sometimes called e-learning, is the process of delivering instruction using electronic communication, such as video, audio, computer, multimedia communications, or some combination of these. This report attempts to explore distance learning in the early childhood field and provides a snapshot of the current distance learning landscape.