Resources for wildfire response in California

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AFT and CFT are working hand in hand to make sure our members are okay, that they have the support and resources they need in this crisis, and that we’re ready to help them rebuild.

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Health and Safety Resources, including Post-Disaster Debris and Wildfire Cleanup

Other Federal Resources

Small Business Administration: After you file a FEMA claim, you may be referred to the Small Business Administration for information about a low-interest loan. The SBA is the primary source of federal funds for long-term recovery assistance.

Department of Agriculture’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: You may be eligible for disaster relief food assistance.

Department of Justice: Members of the public can report disaster relief fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement at or 866-720-5721. Individuals can also report criminal activity to the FBI at 800-CALL-FBI.

National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster: This website provides information on the National VOAD’s member organizations, which share knowledge and resources throughout the disaster cycle—preparation, response and recovery—to help disaster survivors and their communities. All organizations have service-oriented missions and include volunteer engagement as a key component of their operations.

FEMA Fact Sheets

  1. Text "SHELTER" and your ZIP code to 43362
  2. Use the FEMA App:
  3. Visit

Post-Incident Resources for Mental Health and Well-Being