AFT Resolution


The AFT welcomes the action by the House Education and Labor Committee in reporting a new education initiative for secondary school students. H.R. 6711 contains many of the concepts initiated by a coalition of education organizations led by AFT President Shanker.

Features of this bill include:

  • An authorization of $900 million new dollars to be used for basic skills   development and vocational education services.
  • A greater role for the public  schools in establishing and running programs that have previously relied on nonpublic agencies.
  • A shifting of the current reliance on temporary work experience toward employability skills, especially, basic educational and vocational skills.
  • A recognition that the schools are the best instrument for reaching youngsters who are potentially unemployable or likely to drop out.

Progress on the House side has not been matched by similar action in the Senate. The Senate Committee has shown little inclination to send this bill forward primarily due to the budgetary pressures being generated by the Administration against existing education programs. The time to act, however, is now. It may never again be possible to pass a bill with the consensus that exists on the current proposal. We urge immediate action on this bill which is so vital to our nation's youth.
