AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the teaching profession has been one traditionally open to women and there have been more women than men in certain areas in the public schools; and

WHEREAS, the inferior social status of women has played its role in keeping down salaries; and

WHEREAS, women who are equally qualified are discriminated against in considering appointments and promotions to positions of leadership and responsibility, particularly in secondary and higher education; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers supports equal rights and opportunities for all teachers, regardless of sex, race, creed, or marital status:

RESOLVED, that there be no loss of rights for teachers on maternity leave, and length of maternity leave be decided solely by the teacher and her physician and that there be provision for continual educational training of women teachers on leave, that there be day care centers so that women teachers may continue in their profession (such as those provided for in the section in the current New York UFT contract which authorized the establishment of 50 day care centers for members' children as well as for the children of community residents, especially in ghetto areas); and

RESOLVED, that discriminatory classroom material be eliminated, that lesson plans on the history of the women's rights movement and suffrage be provided; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT pledge its efforts on behalf of equal rights for women and an end to any discriminatory practices that exist; and

RESOLVED, that it urge all locals who become the bargaining agents for their school districts to include such an equal opportunity clause in their contracts.
