AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has enacted the Women's Educational Equity Act of 1974, as a part of the extension of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which authorizes federal funds for grants to local school districts for development of curriculum, support of women's educational programs at all levels, in-service training workshops, conferences, institutions, research and development and dissemination of materials, texts, tests, and programs for nondiscriminatory vocational education and career counseling for women, new and expanded physical education and sports for women, planning and operation of women's resource centers, programs to increase the number of women in administrative positions in institutions at all levels of education and in fields in which they have not traditionally participated, and training, educational and employment programs for unemployed and underemployed women:

RESOLVED, that AFT ask all locals to make their school boards and administrators aware of the Women 's Educational Equity Act, and ask them to urge districts to apply for funds under the act as soon as funds are appropriated; and

RESOLVED, that the 1975 AFT Convention support full funding of the Women's Educational Equity Act in Congress and notify all locals of its existence, and urge them to ask local boards to apply for funds.
