AFT Resolution


Recent studies by the National Manpower Institute demonstrate that there are over $2 billion in tuition benefits available to working adult Americans, often as part of a union-negotiated collective bargaining agreement. At present, these funds are less than two percent utilized. This huge resource is untapped for several reasons. First, employees are unaware that the benefits exist and of how to use them when they are known. Equally important, however, is the absence of legitimate college programs aimed at, and available to, working adults.

The AFT affiliate, United University Professions, at the State University of New York, has, in cooperation with the management of that institution, developed a program to meet these educational needs. The UUP Program for Adults in Continuing Education (PACE), is an adaptation of the Wayne State Weekend College. Through the PACE/Weekend College Programs, working adults can complete degree programs, using regular teaching faculty, within four years. Basic to the PACE program is an information, counseling, and recruitment effort within the local labor community.

RESOLVED, that the AFT, in cooperation with its state and local affiliates, encourage and promote the establishment of college programs to help in meeting the continuing educational needs of adult workers. (Executive Council)
