AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, a recent poll has shown that 62 percent of the women polled opposed the Reagan administration's policies while 47 percent of the men polled were critical, showing a 15 percent gender gap; and

WHEREAS, women represent approximately 42 percent of the workforce; and

WHEREAS, there are 30 million unregistered women and 14 million registered women who did not vote in the last presidential election; and

WHEREAS, women have been affected disproportionately in relation to the payment of their tax dollars through the programs of Reaganomics which bring increased benefits to high income earners and a loss of income to low and middle income earners, thereby leading to the feminization of poverty; and

WHEREAS, working women have suffered through the cuts in welfare, child care, education and affirmative action programs; and

WHEREAS, over 50 percent of the citizens of this country are women and can affect the outcome of any election:

RESOLVED, the AFT activates and participates in coalitions and organizations that register, educate and get out the vote and;

RESOLVED, that AFT continues its efforts to make the working and living condition of women a top priority on the national agenda.
