AFT Resolution



WHEREAS, the labor movement has historically supported improvements in federal, state and local election laws that would increase participation in the democratic process by removing all artificial impediments to voting; and

WHEREAS, both the AFL-CIO and the American Federation of Teachers urge all their affiliates to conduct vigorous voter registration campaigns; and

WHEREAS, a postcard registration system now exists in twenty-two states and the District of Columbia; and

WHEREAS, in many other states, voter registration laws have barriers to registration requirements and early closing deadlines, which result in millions of citizens being unable to vote because they are not registered; and

WHEREAS, four states now have laws permitting registration on Election Day and these states have significantly higher voter turnout than the rest of the nation, with no evidence of fraud; and

WHEREAS, voter interest is slow to generate and does not pick up until a few weeks before the election and peaks during the final days of the campaign; and

WHEREAS, the 16th Constitutional Convention of the AFL-CIO took a strong stand in support of the Postcard Registration Act of 1985 and the Registration Deadline Elimination Act:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge all its locals to lobby for the enactment of the Postcard Registration Act and introduce similar legislation at the state and local level; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge its locals to lobby for the Registration Deadline Elimination Act to eliminate the registration deadlines making it easier for millions of Americans to exercise their fundamental right to vote by allowing registration on the same day as an election.
