AFT Resolution


Vocational education is not simply an alternative course of study. It does not exist solely to address questions of equity. It is of such national significance that local or regional means of support must not become an issue in the advancement of the program. Quite simply, vocational education should be seen as an entitlement of citizenship, available to all for the benefit of the nation. The eventual improvement and sustained growth of the nation's economy is directly dependent on the level of support provided to vocational education. The American Federation of Teachers strongly supports this form of investment in the future of our country.

By supporting the following goals we can move toward the realization of the opportunity of a vocational education as an entitlement of citizenship and a necessary component of the nation 's education system.

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers supports programs of vocational education to prepare students for positions in the American work force which require the specialized skills and knowledge that such programs provide; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers firmly supports a continued federal presence in the administration and funding of this nation's vocational education programs; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers supports efforts to identify our national skill training requirements and aggressively pursue the education of workers to meet those requirements; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers seeks the following changes in federally supported employment and educational training programs to provide productive results:

Uniform and coordinated funding cycles;

A mutually shared responsibility for coordination and planning;

The use of certified teachers for all educational components of the programs and the adherence to state and local academic standards;

That public school systems receive the first opportunity to provide for educational components of programs and aggressively seek involvement;

That common definitions for terms and groups to be served be adopted;

That the advice of qualified citizens, knowledgeable in the needs of education and the workforce of our nation, continue to serve in advisory capacity to vocational education programs at all levels.

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers favors continued support for vocational education programs, including directing federal resources and efforts to those groups and areas of the greatest need, while maintaining support for ongoing programs; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers encourages the federal government to set an example for the state and local programs to follow in developing resources for the emerging needs in the high technology fields; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers supports programs of free in-service training for Vocational Education teachers to meet the ever-changing technologies in business and industry to be funded by federal, state and/or local resources; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers supports the incorporation of labor studies programs in all aspects of vocational education and employment and training programs; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers supports a study of the structure of vocational education and offers advice and recommendations for an integrated, multilevel program in vocational and technical education that will provide for a broad general education, and a comprehensive secondary, post-secondary, or cooperative education to insure that the graduates of vocational programs will have received both a rounded general education as well as the technical skills necessary for successful competition in career positions; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers supports the provision of adequate equipment and facilities as an investment in the future of our economy and as necessary for the proper provision of vocational education programs.
