AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers supports the rights of women to exercise control over their own bodies; and

WHEREAS, the Bush/Quayle administration has issued and attempted to enforce regulations limiting family planning clinic workers from providing information about abortion as one choice in personal health-related decisions; and

WHEREAS, anti-choice forces are staging actions to block entrances to family planning clinics and intimidating women who wish to utilize clinic services; and

WHEREAS, children are exploited by being recruited to participate in anti-choice demonstrations planned by adults; and

WHEREAS, health care providers are being terrorized by adults in order to eliminate the availability of services:

RESOLVED, that AFT deplore the destructive tactics by these guerilla groups; and

RESOLVED, that AFT continue to support the overturning of the gag rule; and

RESOLVED, that AFT support legislation that would make the blocking of health clinics a federal offense; and

RESOLVED, that AFT support the passage of Freedom of Choice Act, which would prohibit states from denying women the right to choose.
