AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the recent Three Mile Island incident has demonstrated the danger of nuclear power; and

WHEREAS, the real impact of Three Mile Island and similar nuclear accidents will not be known for years; and

WHEREAS, the present NRC regulations were unable to prevent the numerous nuclear incidents that have come to the public attention in recent weeks; and

WHEREAS, our present method and regulation for the storage of nuclear waste is over the long term potentially more dangerous than production of nuclear energy itself:

RESOLVED, that the AFT support legislation and/or changes in regulations in order to accomplish the following aims; and

RESOLVED, that the present nuclear facilities be upgraded to prevent every conceivable nuclear accident; and

RESOLVED, that if any violation of NRC regulations is discovered in a nuclear facility it be shut down immediately and not permitted to operate until it is in compliance; and

RESOLVED, that stiffer regulations be developed for the storage of nuclear waste; and

RESOLVED, that federal funds be provided for the purpose of research on the storage and cleaning of nuclear waste; and

RESOLVED, that the staff of NRC be increased to guarantee frequent on-site inspection and constant monitoring of the air, water and land around nuclear facilities including waste storage sites; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support legislation providing for the research into and advancement thereof of clean, safe alternative energy sources including but not limited to solar, wind and geothermal; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support legislation that would provide for the retraining of nuclear workers into alternative forms of energy production, where necessary, with this retraining stimulated by government funding.
