AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, teachers and other public employees were only covered under the federal unemployment compensation laws in 1976; and

WHEREAS, unemployment compensation is irreplaceable in these times of high unemployment; and

WHEREAS, the Reagan administration has made proposals which would, if enacted, limit unemployment benefits to 26 weeks only and eliminate the so-called suitable work provision which protects teachers and other skilled workers from being required to accept any job paying the minimum wage or lose unemployment compensation benefits; and

WHEREAS, elimination of the suitable work provision would force teachers and other skilled workers into the unskilled labor force forcing those now employed in unskilled jobs out onto the welfare rolls and into permanent unemployment;

RESOLVED, that the AFT vigorously oppose elimination of extended unemployment compensation benefits and that the AFT resist proposed changes in the suitable work provisions of the unemployment compensation law; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT convention call upon the Congress to defeat these vicious proposals and maintain an equitable unemployment compensation system.
