AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, twenty years ago, the American Federation of Teachers created a special division¾ the Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals - to provide an effective new voice for professionals in the health care field; and

WHEREAS, health professionals and educators share enduring and powerful bonds of commitment to patients and students, concerns for quality and an unswerving determination to advocate on behalf of professional standards and working conditions; and

WHEREAS, nurses and health professionals have found in the AFT a powerful, democratic, and militant advocate for the rights of professionals and the children and families we serve; and

WHEREAS, for the past twenty years, the FNHP has fought successfully for improved working conditions for our members, better quality health care for our patients and a stronger role for health care professionals in shaping the future of the industry; and

WHEREAS, the FNHP has been instrumental in the passage of groundbreaking laws such as the right for new mothers to stay in the hospital for 48 hours; and the right of communities to protect their health care institutions from takeover by national for-profit chains; and

WHEREAS, the FNHP has led the battle, both locally and nationally to ensure that health care professionals have the right to speak out when the quality of patient care is threatened; and

WHEREAS, during the past twenty years the FNHP has grown to 50,000 members; a number that is increasing and will continue to increase as health care professionals nationwide recognize the need to join together in a strong union to fight for their patients and their professions:


RESOLVED, that the AFT is proud to honor the extraordinary accomplishments of our health care division over the past twenty years; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT recognize the FNHP for the important role it has played and continues to play in our union’s growth as a pre-eminent voice on behalf of professional workers, their institutions and the people they serve; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will continue to support the organization of health care professionals and the creation of a strong and effective voice for health care workers in this country as they fight to protect and improve the American health care system.
