AFT Resolution


Over the past ten years, the AFT has pointed out the dangers that Tuition Tax Credits pose to public education. The AFT has concentrated its legislative and political efforts on defeating this educational nightmare. It is clear that no facts or reasoned arguments will persuade those who support Tuition Tax Credits to abandon their advocacy of this dangerous scheme. Only effective political pressure can defeat Tuition Tax Credits.

Tuition Tax Credits would result in a total restructuring of educational finance in our country, inasmuch as they would stimulate comparable legislation on the state and local level. Tuition Tax Credits would lead to a dual system of education in the United States and would produce schools based upon ethnicity, political philosophy and language. Such a system of education would work to divide our country rather than unite it.

RESOLVED, that the AFT continues to lead the fight against Tuition Tax Credits which President Reagan is pressing the 98th Congress to pass; and

RESOLVED, to continue our public campaign to raise the public awareness, particularly among parents and our allies in the labor movement, to the destructiveness of this ill-advised scheme.
