AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, David Selden was president of the American Federation of Teachers from 1968 - 1974; and

WHEREAS, David Selden committed his life to building a strong teacher union within the house of labor; and

WHEREAS, David Selden was in the forefront of the leaders who built the modern AFT; and

WHEREAS, David Selden devoted his life to organizing teachers, higher education faculty and other workers into unions; and

WHEREAS, David Selden was a pioneer in the effort to secure collective bargaining rights for teachers, paraprofessionals, college faculty and all those who work in the public sector; and

WHEREAS, David Selden contributed important vision when he initiated, supported, and nurtured the establishment and excellent beginning of a Women's Rights Committee within the AFT which continues to this day to contribute leadership to the great unfinished business on the future achievement of legal equality for all citizens of the United States regardless of gender; and

WHEREAS, David Selden was a leader, strategist, educator and union organizer whose work enabled the AFT to become a national force for the improvement of education and the betterment of teachers, paraprofessionals, higher education faculty and other educational workers:


RESOLVED, that this 75th convention of the American Federation of Teachers acknowledge David Selden’s contribution to building the modern AFT and securing collective bargaining rights for teachers, paraprofessionals, college faculty and all who work in the public sector; and

RESOLVED, that AFT continue to work to realize Selden’s vision of a powerful, united, public-spirited union fighting for a quality education system for all of our nation’s children in a society committed to opportunity and justice for all its citizens.
