AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, Carl J. Megel has served the AFT through membership in the Chicago Teachers Union, Local 1, since 1937. During this period as a member and officer of the local, he worked tirelessly for the improvement of education in the city of Chicago and for improvements in the local so as to bring greater benefits to teachers; and

WHEREAS, Carl J. Megel served as president of the AFT from 1952 to  1964. During this 12-year period, the AFT increased greatly in number of locals and in number of members, due largely to the enthusiasm for the teacher union movement that Carl generated; and

WHEREAS, Carl J. Megel has served on the AFT staff from 1964 to the present in positions of Director of Legislation and Field Director in the Department of Organization providing inspiration to many union officers and members:

RESOLVED, that this convention expresses its appreciation of the 45 years of service to the AFT and all its members for the outstanding contribution Carl J. Megel has made to the teacher union movement for the welfare of all.
