AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the number of schools and school districts utilizing new technologies to support both academic programs and the efficient operation of school support services continues to increase; and

Whereas, these new technologies are not limited to computers in classrooms or administrative offices and include techniques, machines and equipment, controls, processes and work organization; and

Whereas, the AFT recognizes that technology can be an important tool employed to: improve communication and access to information; maximize the use of resources and promote the smooth and efficient operation of the learning environment; support efforts to overcome the challenges facing public schools and finally, to improve the quality of education provided in our public schools; and

Whereas, even the most sophisticated and advanced technologies are still dependent upon school staff with the skills, knowledge and ideas necessary to ensure proper utilization and integration of technology into the school program; and

Whereas, early involvement in the research and development process to employ technology, by the school staff charged with implementation and use of new technology, is key to effective utilization of new technology in schools; and

Whereas, in addition to the research and development phase of the technology implementation, school staff should be involved in decisions and discussions related to technology and systems design, selection and purchasing and implementation and customization; and

Whereas, it is the responsibility of the union to ensure that the use of new technologies by schools and school districts does not have a negative or punitive effect on its member's: compensation levels, job security, skills and job classifications, control of work, working conditions (health and safety, ergonomics, autonomy and privacy), job satisfaction and bargaining power:


RESOLVED, that AFT work with its affiliates to identify issues and problems related to the use of technology that face members working in schools and school districts as well as, monitor and track current developments related to the use of technology in K-12 education and higher education; and

RESOLVED, that AFT encourage affiliates to become actively involved at all stages of the technology implementation process in order to ensure the effective utilization and maximize the benefits to students, school staff and the community; and

RESOLVED, that AFT encourage affiliates to research the current use of technology in their districts and seek either through collective bargaining or other means a meaningful role for the union and its representatives in future decisions regarding the use of technology in schools and worksites; and

RESOLVED, that AFT develop strategies, materials and activities to assist affiliates in their efforts to secure proper training and professional development for school staff responsible for employing technology in the workplace; and

RESOLVED, that AFT encourage and assist affiliates secure contract language or school district policies that provide the union with: a voice in the definition of technology; provisions for advance notice of plans to introduce new technology; access to information; access to resources (training, time, money and expertise); a process for negotiation for example, a joint technology committee; as well as other basic protections to guard against the use of technology by employers to erode, eliminate or otherwise negatively impact member's jobs, benefits or working conditions.
