AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the job security of teachers throughout the nation is being threatened; and

WHEREAS, the bankruptcy of local school districts is so acute that local boards of education are relinquishing control of state and national governments; and

WHEREAS, gains made at the bargaining table are being reversed in the political arena; and

WHEREAS, the existence of two rival teacher organizations has resulted in both groups wasting valuable time and energy fighting one another rather than unifying their efforts to resist the hostile forces assaulting public education; and

WHEREAS, all teachers and other non-supervisory educational employees should be united in a single organization:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers will continue to work for teacher unity by demonstrating the effectiveness of union organization by adhering to policies for the benefit of such employees, by intensifying national state and local organizing efforts, and by encouraging unity of AFT locals and state federations with other teacher organizations which conform to AFT principles. Unity agreements between AFT locals or state federations and other organizations shall provide:

  • That all members of the united organization be members of the AFT, AFL-CIO;
  • That requirements for membership be the same as present AFT membership requirements;
  • That the united organization be democratically constituted and administered by elected officials; and

RESOLVED, before any AFT local or state federation may engage in unity talks with another organization, it shall receive approval of a two-thirds vote of the AFT Executive Council. Before any agreement between an AFT local or state federation and another organization shall become final it must be approved by a two-thirds vote in a membership referendum of the AFT local or state federation involved; and

RESOLVED, that the President of the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of Teachers Executive Council initiate exploratory talks with representatives of the National Education Association, the ultimate goal being a merger of the two organizations with a potential organization 3,000,000 teachers strong; and

RESOLVED, that such merger not be consummated without safeguards to insure continued affiliation with the labor movement. (1972 resolution reaffirmed by 1983 convention)
