AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the tax policies of the current administration accelerate the widening gap between percent of taxes paid by the very wealthy and the majority of Americans; and


WHEREAS, since 1980, anti-labor, anti-government, anti-tax advocates have successfully organized a revolt against progressive income taxes and taxes on unearned income; and


WHEREAS, federal and state tax cuts often reduce the resources available for public education and other essential services, transferring these costs to localities; and


WHEREAS, localities faced with rising costs and limited tax powers often respond with budget cuts to public education and/or impose even more regressive consumption taxes that further stimulate anti-tax sentiments; and 


WHEREAS, school budgets and wages for teachers and other public sector employees have been repressed by this anti-tax movement; and


WHEREAS, union members and the general public may misunderstand or be misled by tax-cut appeals; and


WHEREAS, educators have a special role to play to clarify the connections between tax cuts and declining support for public education and the general welfare; and


WHEREAS, organized labor is uniquely qualified to expose the harm done to average Americans by reduced government services and regulation:


RESOLVED, that the AFT consider the development of public service messages and other materials to promote a less regressive tax policy to better meet the needs of most Americans and that can be adapted by state and local affiliates; and


RESOLVED, that the AFT urge the AFL-CIO and its affiliates to continue their efforts to educate union members and the general public about the way that health, safety, security, education and income have been directly and indirectly shortchanged by the anti-tax, anti-government movement.

