AFT Resolution

Supporting The UAW's Call To Align Contract Expirations For May 1

WHEREAS, big business and their political allies have waged a war on workers; and

WHEREAS, the war on workers has led to deteriorating conditions and spiraling income inequality for working families; and

WHEREAS, union workers are fighting back, in order to secure fair contracts for themselves and for their communities; and

WHEREAS, union workers continue to work to repeal no-strike laws at the state level; and

WHEREAS, 88 percent of people under 30 view unions favorably—a record-breaking level of support from young workers; and

WHEREAS, 71 percent of Americans support unions—cutting across party lines; and

WHEREAS, organized labor must find creative ways to maximize our economic power and fight against corporate greed; and

WHEREAS, the Chicago Teachers Union had adopted May 1, 2028, as the expiration for our next contract with the Chicago Public Schools, and

WHEREAS, our members and the broader society would benefit from national healthcare, expansion of the right to organize a union, debt forgiveness, free college and child care for all, strengthened retirement security and fortifying our democracy; and

WHEREAS, the United Auto Workers, led by President Shawn Fain, has called for unions to align contract expirations for May 1, or International Workers' Day, with the aim of a mass strike on May 1, 2028; and

WHEREAS, the power that unions have derives from our unity:

RESOLVED, that the AFT will echo President Fain's call for aligning contract expirations for May 1, 2028; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will encourage all our locals to consider this common expiration as a useful tactic in the fight to advance racial, economic and social justice; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will work tirelessly to repeal no-strike laws; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will commit to unwaveringly supporting affiliates and the broader labor movement in bargaining fair contracts, and in anticipated or active labor disputes.
