AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Underground Railroad Freedom Center planned for the Cincinnati riverfront will be a unique national museum and education center focused on the history of the clandestine network that helped thousands of American slaves escape to freedom; and

WHEREAS, Cincinnati was among the most active hubs of the Underground Railroad; and

WHEREAS, development of the Freedom Center is proceeding in tandem with efforts to designate significant sites associated with the Underground Railroad as national historic sites and incorporate some into the National Park Service; and

WHEREAS, sponsors of the Freedom Center are soliciting the advice and participation of recognized scholars to ensure that its exhibits and educational programs are historically accurate and utilize the rich history and personal accounts of the Underground Railroad; and

WHEREAS, retelling the history of the Underground Railroad highlights a massive, coordinated effort by people from every ethnic group and from many walks of life to advance the cause of freedom, justice and human rights for all Americans, often at the risk of their own safety and liberty; and

WHEREAS, the Underground Railroad Freedom Center has already won support from the city of Cincinnati, which has incorporated its design into riverfront redevelopment plans, and from state leaders in Ohio; and

WHEREAS, sponsors intend to raise most of the necessary fund from private sources; and

WHEREAS, the AFT and the Cincinnati Federation of Teachers have already contributed financially to the Freedom Center; and

WHEREAS, both AFT President Sandra Feldman and National Education Association President Bob Chase have been appointed to the National Advisory Board of the Freedom Center:


RESOLVED, that the AFT support the campaign to create a National Underground Railroad Freedom Center on the Cincinnati riverfront and urge affiliates along with foundations, corporations and individual donors to contribute to its development.
