AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, many community college students have no high school diploma; and

WHEREAS, Title IV aid (including Pell grants) eligibility requirements will no longer allow for Ability-to-Benefit (ATB) testing; and

WHEREAS, the GED test is now under the purview of a private company, the Pearson company; and

WHEREAS, Pearson may set the cost of the GED test; and

WHEREAS, these costs may be too expensive for some students (immigrants in particular) to be able to take these tests; and

WHEREAS, these new requirements will prohibit students from coming to college and/or from taking English as a second language; and

WHEREAS, the impact of the changes in Title IV aid eligibility have become clearer since this resolution was submitted:

RESOLVED that the American Federation of Teachers will advocate for the enactment of legislation that maintains Title IV aid eligibility for students who achieve passing scores on Ability-to-Benefit tests.
