AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, textbooks are an integral part of quality education; and

WHEREAS, students in postsecondary education must generally purchase their own textbooks; and

WHEREAS, the cost of these textbooks has been rising steadily over the last two decades; and

WHEREAS, the expense of purchasing textbooks is a major cost of attending college or university in some states and contributes to greater inequality, compelling many students to drop out and put off their dream of higher education; and

WHEREAS, the reason for these increases is subject to debate but include factors such as corporate profit related to consolidation in the publishing industry, unnecessary bundling and new editions; and

WHEREAS, the excessively high cost of textbooks is compelling instructors to make course decisions that compromise quality; and

WHEREAS, educational unions such as the American Federation of Teachers have an important role to play in researching such issues that affect students; and

WHEREAS, educational unions such as the American Federation of Teachers have an important role to play in developing and articulating strategies for keeping textbook costs low; and

WHEREAS, educational unions such as the American Federation of Teachers have an important role to play in advocating for any necessary legislation to help keep higher education affordable:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers declare its support of efforts to make textbooks affordable for students in higher education consistent with the principles of academic freedom; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT encourage higher education locals to initiate discussions among its members on the subject of textbook affordability in order to offer alternatives to the current textbook supply and cost systems; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT research, explore and support legislation in the pursuit of alleviating this problem.

[Adopted by Executive Council, July 2007]
