AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the nurses at the Bristol, Connecticut Convalescent Home unanimously voted in October, 1981 to affiliate with the FNHP/AFT; and

WHEREAS, the management of the home has consistently refused to recognize the FHNP for the purposes of collective bargaining by appealing to the NLRB on several occasions, the latest of which is based on the argument that nurses are "supervisors" and thus ineligible for membership in a union; and

WHEREAS, the home management has spent thousands of dollars for armed security police, strike-breaker vans, electronic surveillance equipment, etc., since the recognition strike began on June 14, 1982, rather than to recognize the fundamental right of nurses to organize:

RESOLVED that the AFT, in convention assembled hereby offers a pledge of support to its sisters on the picket line in Bristol, Conn., and strongly encourages all its constituent locals to demonstrate support by sending messages or financial assistance to the greatest extent possible.
