AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers supports garment workers and the protection of American jobs; and

WHEREAS, in 1985, there were about 500,000 garment industry jobs in New York City; today, there are only about 100,000, and

WHEREAS, there are 846 fashion companies headquartered in New York City, which is more than Paris, London and Milan combined; and

WHEREAS, the mayor of New York City is attempting to dismantle the Garment Center, displace garment workers, and replace them with shiny office towers; and

WHEREAS, the Garment Center is a microcosm of what is happening in America as a whole, with the loss of jobs overseas; and

WHEREAS, if consumers spent an extra 1 percent on U.S.-manufactured goods, it would create 200,000 jobs; and

WHEREAS, many famous American designers have become activists to preserve the community and the Garment Center for future design students; and

WHEREAS, designers and manufacturers are aware that they could make a product cheaper by sending patterns and designs to other countries, thereby losing American jobs, quality products and manufacturing control; and

WHEREAS, when the consumer buys from a designer that keeps its supplier and dollars in the United States, it sends a powerful message:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers will support the labor and community effort known as "Save the Garment Center" ( to have U.S. dollars recirculated instead of being sent to other countries; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will communicate this support to its members, through its website and publications.
