AFT Resolution



WHEREAS, the rising cost of college textbooks has made affordability a major issue for students; and
WHEREAS, the necessity of buying expensive textbooks can add to the potential that students will either drop out, take additional loan debt, or undercut their own learning by forgoing the purchase of textbooks; and
WHEREAS, textbook publishers have not responded adequately to these concerns, but have exacerbated this problem by raising prices and unnecessarily issuing new editions of textbooks; and
WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has long affirmed the right of faculty members to write textbooks and other scholarly materials and be compensated for their labor and intellectual property; and
WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has long affirmed the right and responsibility of faculty individually and collectively to select course materials that are pedagogically most appropriate for their classes; and
WHEREAS, it is consistent with the principles of the American Federation of Teachers to seek affordable and accessible course materials for classes whenever possible, including “open textbooks,” which are textbooks offered online to students at no cost; and
WHEREAS, educational unions such as the American Federation of Teachers have an important role to play in researching such issues that affect students; and
WHEREAS, educational unions such as the American Federation of Teachers have an important role to play in developing and articulating strategies for keeping textbook costs low.
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers support faculty in their seeking and considering open textbooks and other open educational resources when choosing course materials; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers encourage faculty to give preference to low or no cost educational resources such as an open textbook over an expensive commercial textbook if it fits the needs of the class; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers encourage institutions to develop support for the use of open textbooks and other open educational resources; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers encourage publishers to provide their educational materials in formats that would significantly lower the cost to students. (Adopted by Executive Council, 2009)
