AFT Resolution

Support For Newcomers, Asylum Seekers And Refugees

WHEREAS, the AFT recognizes the unique challenges faced by newcomer, asylum seeker and refugee students and their families in our schools, and AFT members have a proud history of welcoming students from vastly different backgrounds for generations to our public schools; schools are indeed a place of great pluralism and diversity; and

WHEREAS, we have a responsibility to all students, regardless of their immigration status, that they have access to a high-quality public education that is safe, inclusive and supportive; and

WHEREAS, migrant families, like successive waves of immigrants before them, are coming to the United States for a better life—to escape violence, natural disasters and extreme poverty; they’re in the United States to work hard and build a future that gives their children a fair shot at a decent life; and

WHEREAS, the federal government must address all aspects of our broken immigration system while at the same time providing fair, efficient and humane pathways to immigration; providing protections for Dreamers; and addressing the increasing humanitarian crisis along the border and in cities like Chicago and New York; and

WHEREAS, those cities and other frontline communities need resources from the federal government to meet the pressing human needs of migrants, without straining the other needs of communities, including educational resources and housing; and

WHEREAS, immigrant teachers often face a lack of visa support from school districts, predatory labor brokers and an exploitative labor environment that burdens them with excessive legal fees while discouraging union participation and representation:

RESOLVED, that the AFT will continue to advocate for additional federal, state and local funding and resources to support newcomer, asylum seeker and refugee students and their families in our schools; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will work with local, state and federal agencies and school districts to welcome our migrant students and meet their needs and fight against the pitting of their needs against the needs of all our students; and

RESOLVED, to that end, that we will fight to:

  1. Ensure that schools have access to culturally competent professional development and resources for educators and staff members;
  2. Support initiatives that facilitate language acquisition and proficiency for newcomer students through programs for English language learners, bilingual education and targeted interventions;
  3. Ensure the hiring and retention of qualified bilingual educators and support staff to serve the diverse linguistic needs of newcomer students;
  4. Encourage schools to establish and/or strengthen partnerships with community-based organizations, nonprofits and governmental agencies to provide wraparound services and resources for newcomer students and their families; and
  5. Promote the creation of safe and welcoming spaces within schools, free from discrimination or harassment, where newcomer students can thrive academically, socially and emotionally; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will continue the long-term fight for a broad pathway to citizenship as well as comprehensive reform of our broken immigration system; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will call on the administration to use every tool in its toolbox to prevent labor exploitation and help migrant families achieve self-sufficiency, including the use of expedited work permits, improved asylum processing, expanded refugee resettlement, and new and renewed TPS (temporary protected status) designations for all unsafe countries; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will engage in outreach and education efforts to raise awareness about the needs of newcomer, asylum seeker and refugee students within our communities in ways that strengthen our communities; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will work to amplify the voices of newcomer, asylum seeker and refugee students and their families in discussions surrounding education policy and practice; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will include in its support of international teachers in its newcomer advocacy and support so that international teachers have access to the resources, protection and support outlined here and in the AFT’s Ethical International Teacher Recruitment Guidelines.
