AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, a strong and vital labor movement is crucial to the preservation and advancement of democracy and to the betterment of the lives of working people; and

WHEREAS, union density in the United States has fallen to levels unseen since early in the last century; and

WHEREAS, American students need to understand labor history and the role of unions in protection of workers’ rights in order to make informed decisions about their lives at work; and

WHEREAS, there are a growing number of local resources and programs devoted to PreK–12 labor education and to new member orientation; and

WHEREAS, these programs and resources, to be more useful and effective, require support and coordination at levels beyond the capacity of any one local union or state federation:

RESOLVED, that we strongly urge the American Federation of Teachers to form a task force to support and coordinate PreK–12 labor education nationally, and that the AFT ask the AFL-CIO, the NEA and other appropriate organizations to join in this task force; and

RESOLVED, that we strongly urge the American Federation of Teachers to convene a national PreK–12 labor education conference within the next two years in order to acquaint teachers, union activists, PSRPs, and others with the best practices in the field and to begin implementation of a coordinated PreK–12 labor education campaign, and that the AFT invite the AFL-CIO, the NEA, and other appropriate organizations to co-sponsor this conference.
