AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has called upon the United States Congress to prevent cuts in Medicare and Medicaid; and

WHEREAS, Medicare and Medicaid have already suffered cuts which have made health care more expensive for the elderly and the poor; and

WHEREAS, further proposed cuts would shift the burden of health care costs to the recipients without controlling overall health care costs, and would provide no initiatives to meet the long-term care of the elderly and the poor; and

WHEREAS, health care for the elderly and the poor can be improved and costs controlled by the reform of the present health care system; and

WHEREAS, a large step in this direction would be taken by the passage of the Kennedy/Gephardt Medicare Solvency  Health Care Financing Reform Act of 1984 (S. 2424/H.R. 4870); and

WHEREAS, this cost containment bill would control costs for doctors, hospitals and other providers without harming the beneficiaries of Medicare and Medicaid:

RESOLVED, that we urge our members to communicate with their senators and representatives and advise them of their opposition to any Medicare/Medicaid cuts and to urge their support of the Kennedy/Gephardt Bill; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT supports initiatives for a national health care program.
