AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, many workers who lost their jobs in the recession remain unemployed; and


WHEREAS, many two-income families remain in poverty; and


WHEREAS, regions continue to experience high rates of unemployment and

underemployment; and


WHEREAS, the goal of  Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) was to

reduce poverty by enabling families to become self-sufficient through employment; and


WHEREAS, TANF returned funds to states to provide programming to assist families by removing barriers to employment, training or education; and


WHEREAS, many effective programs supported by such funding enabled participants to acquire jobs with benefits that paid living wages; and


WHEREAS, programs established to facilitate employment have now experienced severe cutbacks in funding because states are using TANF surpluses to cover unrelated state expenses; and


WHEREAS, low-wage jobs without health or other benefits mean that any illness or injury can lead to economic and social instability and devastating consequences for families and communities; and 


WHEREAS, many working people will need to improve their skills to become or remain employable at a living wage; and


WHEREAS, poverty and the instability associated with poverty undermine children's educational achievement; and


WHEREAS, all Americans benefit from programs that enable families to move out of poverty:


RESOLVED, that the AFT collaborate with the AFL-CIO and advocates of the poor to ensure that federal TANF funds allocated to states not be transferred to other programs or used by the states for other purposes; and


RESOLVED, that the AFT encourage states to recognize attending college and related study as work; and


RESOLVED, that the AFT continue its support for programming to eliminate barriers to employment, job training or education, including college, for those in low-paying jobs or those on or leaving public assistance; and


RESOLVED, that the AFT encourage states to support job training, including college, for low-income residents as well as those on or leaving public assistance; and


RESOLVED, that the AFT work with its labor affiliates to increase and enhance the safety net for all families.

