AFT Resolution



WHEREAS, caring for children and other family members disproportionately falls on women's shoulders; and


WHEREAS, the United States has a dearth of quality, affordable childcare; and


WHEREAS, most other Western democracies, with the exception of Sweden, have lower rates of women working full time but still provide universal childcare; and


WHEREAS, the widening income gap forces many working parents to use poor quality care as their only affordable alternative; and


WHEREAS, the quality of life of working families and their children would be greatly improved by access to affordable, quality childcare; and


WHEREAS, children are already benefiting from pre-K programs; and


WHEREAS, public and private employers would benefit from an increased supply of high-quality, affordable childcare; and


WHEREAS, quality childcare prepares children to be successful in school:


RESOLVED, that the AFT work to secure more federal funding for childcare and support legislation to dramatically increase the supply of quality childcare; and


RESOLVED, that the AFT foster government policies that redefine the dearth of quality, affordable childcare as a public issue, requiring public and community responses as opposed to its characterization as a private problem for struggling parents to solve; and


RESOLVED, that the AFT work in coalition with childcare advocates, providers and its affiliates within the labor movement to increase the supply of affordable, high-quality childcare.




