AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, most federal employees are currently prohibited from full participation in the political and electoral processes of our country; and

WHEREAS, the Hatch Act of 1939 is the major road block barring full participation by more than 2.8 million federal, civilian and postal employees; and

WHEREAS, those features of the Hatch Act which prevent the pressuring of federal employees to contribute to campaigns they do not wish to are vital and should be retained:

RESOLVED, the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, supports the efforts of the AFL-CIO and the Public Employee Department to amend the Hatch Act to preserve the necessary protections it contains for federal employees, while at the same time, permitting full participation and expression of legitimate democratic political rights; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support H.R. 1O, a measure which would achieve the above stated goals. (Executive Council)

