WHEREAS, it is painfully apparent that current revenues are insufficient to provide for the necessary maintenance, expansion and advancement of education, and that new sources of revenue are necessary; and
WHEREAS, greater support will have to come from all levels-local, state and federal:
RESOLVED, that in those local communities where it has become necessary to levy taxes on other than real estate, vigorous efforts should be made to insure to the schools an equitable share of these supplementary revenues; and
RESOLVED, that great stress should be placed not only on an increase in the aggregate of state aid to local districts, but equitable distribution should be assured for the special needs of urban areas as well as for distressed communities within the state; and
RESOLVED, that the drive for federal aid should be intensified because of the taxing complications resulting from the keen competition between local communities and states for new industries through favorable tax climates as well as from the continuing demands of national welfare; and
RESOLVED, that in tax legislation on all levels that the principle of ability-to-pay should be paramount.