AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, in 1980, in a democratic election, RNs, LPNs and technical personnel at St. Anthony's Hospital in Denver, Colorado, elected the Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals/AFT to represent them; and

WHEREAS, the administration at St. Anthony's Hospital waged a vicious campaign to defeat the union, using such tactics as hiring union busters; contesting unit determination; flagrantly refusing to honor the results of the election; unjustly firing and terminating personnel; and finally, refusing to negotiate with the union; and

WHEREAS, for the past 10 years the president of the local, Dorothy Mall, and six loyal members never gave up hope and have selflessly devoted their time and energy by holding regular meetings and writing and distributing newsletters to keep the union alive and in the consciousness of employees; and

WHEREAS, the spirit of the union has been sustained over these same 10 years through members' vigilant presence at hearings and court proceedings, culminating, finally, in negotiations for a first contract; and

WHEREAS, the dedication of these individuals continues to this moment as they sit at the bargaining table and thus cannot be present to receive this proclamation:

RESOLVED, that the AFT extend deepest appreciation and offer sincerest congratulations to Dorothy Mall and the members of the Denver FNHP for their loyalty to the cause and sacrifices made to bring collective bargaining to the employees at St. Anthony's Hospital; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT continue to help and support the Denver FNHP in its efforts to achieve a fair and equitable contract.
