AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, union retirees have demonstrated a high degree of activism and an unwavering commitment to trade union principles; and

WHEREAS, their contributions have improved the quality of life for seniors and for all citizens; and

WHEREAS, the AFL-CIO recognizes the vital importance of union retirees in achieving the goals of the labor movement and the carrying out of programs of its affiliates; and

WHEREAS, the AFL-CIO has embarked on a program to establish local AFL-CIO retiree councils as delegate bodies made up of representatives elected by current union retiree organizations in a central labor council's jurisdiction and state councils composed of representatives from local AFL-CIO retiree councils in that state; and

WHEREAS, local retiree councils will meet regularly to exchange information and to plan and coordinate joint activities; and

WHEREAS, state retiree councils will provide a unified voice for union retirees:

RESOLVED, that AFT and its affiliates encourage AFT retiree chapters to participate in their respective local AFL-CIO retiree councils and, when possible, in their state AFL-CIO retiree councils.
