AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, local government bodies, including elementary-secondary school districts and community colleges, are seeking short-term solutions to fiscal crises by contracting out public services and laying off employees; and

WHEREAS, the Associated General Contractors, the Associated Oregon Industries and others are seeking, through legislation or initiative petition, to force public bodies to put all services out to bid for contract; and

WHEREAS, national studies have shown that subcontracting of public services results in loss of accountability, decrease in quality, actual increase in costs and lends itself to political favoritism and corruption:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers opposes all contracting out of public employee jobs and opposes any legislation or initiative which would increase the obligation of public bodies to put public services out to bid for contract; and

RESOLVED, that the resolution be forwarded to the AFL-CIO convention and that the AFT urges its locals to inform other unions affected by this resolution.
