AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the next generation of teachers is presently in the colleges of education at the various universities across our country; and

WHEREAS, the students in these colleges are impressionable and receptive to new ideas regarding educational reform and restructuring; and

WHEREAS, it is more prudent to expose the next generation of teachers to the issues of reform and restructuring while they are receptive and impressionable rather than to attempt to change their views later; and

WHEREAS, the next generation of teachers is not being exposed to all sides of the reform and restructuring issue:

RESOLVED, that the AFT and its affiliates form Student Federation of Teachers chapters on major university campuses where these organizations do not exist and lend additional support to our existing chapters with the express purpose of exposing the next generation of teachers to the issues of reform and restructuring; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT and its affiliates allocate the necessary funds and human resources needed to accomplish these ends.
