AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Reagan administration has recommended that no Pell grants, direct loans or subsidized work awards be made available to students with adjusted gross family incomes of more than $25,000; and

WHEREAS, the administration would require all students, regardless of income, to contribute $800 per year before qualifying for any federal assistance; and

WHEREAS, the Administration has proposed a $4,000 annual limit on student assistance; and

WHEREAS, the Administration has further proposed a $32,500 family income ceiling on Guaranteed Student Loans rather than basing eligibility on student need; and

WHEREAS, these and other administration proposals would seriously threaten and curtail access to postsecondary education for hundreds of thousands of undergraduate and graduate students at all the colleges and universities in the nation:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers vigorously oppose these Administration proposals and that it advance student assistance legislation that would make higher education opportunities accessible to all qualified individuals. (Executive Council)
