AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the 660 registered nurses of Englewood Hospital in Englewood, New Jersey, have been on strike since June 29, 2006, without a single nurse crossing the picket line; and

WHEREAS, the striking nurses are members of the American Federation of Teachers Healthcare division; and

WHEREAS, the hospital has clearly shown its intention to try to break the union, first by locking the nurses out of the hospital for three days, then by withdrawing an agreement to submit to binding arbitration, and finally by spending more than $2 million to date on strike-breaking replacement nurses; and

WHEREAS, the nurses' slogan—"Our Fight Is Your Fight"—is an accurate and apt description of the magnitude of their battle as they engage on issues that affect the entire labor movement; and

WHEREAS, the striking nurses are fighting to retain their pension benefits—a critical battle that resonates broadly throughout the United States as workers increasingly face threats to their retirement security; and

WHEREAS, nurses also are fighting for contract language that would put an end to the dangerous and common practice of understaffing—a practice that increases medical errors and puts patients at significant risk:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers commend the strength, determination and courage of the striking nurses; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT stand behind and support our members at Englewood Hospital, recognizing that their fight for decent pensions and quality healthcare is a fight that must be won and is, indeed, our fight as well; and

RESOLVED, that in recognition that the brave 660 registered nurses of Englewood Hospital carry the torch for us all and that their fight is our fight, the AFT call upon all our affiliates to marshal whatever resources they can, be it letters of support, physical presence at the worksite or financial resources, to help our brothers and sisters in this struggle.
