AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, many textbooks currently in use have been found to be inaccurate in their portrayal of the cultural and socioeconomic diversity present in the United States; and

WHEREAS, the omission or stereotyping of various ethnic, regional, and occupational groups in educational materials may convey a false impression of the potentials of such groups; and

WHEREAS, false impressions lead people to inappropriate attitudes and actions, regardless of their identification with majority or minority cultures; and

WHEREAS, the reduction of tensions in a healthy society requires mutual respect among its citizens, and such mutual respect is furthered by understanding and appreciation of cultural, regional, and socioeconomic diversity:

RESOLVED, that the AFT request all publishers of educational material to make every effort to present, through their publications, the diverse racial and ethnic heritages of this country, and the many contributions of these groups; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge the proper authorities to adopt textbooks which portray accurately the role and contribution of both men and women of all racial, ethnic, regional and occupational groups, and that the AFT locals secure a section in their collective bargaining contracts to work toward this end, and that teachers participate on the textbook selection committees.
