AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, funds for the schools have been derived increasingly from the states, as distinct from cities and localities; and

WHEREAS, without these funds improvements in salary and educational process would be impossible; and

WHEREAS, it is entirely right and proper to bring maximum pressure to bear upon the state authorities to compel them to provide the necessary funds; and

WHEREAS, the failure of the state-wide strike by the Florida Teachers Association was not due to faulty conception of the state-wide strike, but due rather to the ineptness of the FTA, the lack of solidarity among the different locals of the FTA, and FTA's readiness to call off a strike without guarantees of no reprisals:

RESOLVED, that the AFT continues to endorse, in principle, the propriety and legitimacy of statewide strikes by teachers; and

RESOLVED, that if necessary, every effort in such strikes should be made to involve any other teacher groups willing to engage in concerted militant action with the AFT.
