AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT's efforts to build on best practice and learn from what works have identified for PSRPs - in all occupational categories - an enhanced role in the delivery of quality educational services; and

WHEREAS, success in these roles will require PSRPs to be more flexible, efficient, and productive; and

WHEREAS, skill standards, training and professional development programs are necessary for PSRPs to successfully increase their efficiency and flexibility; and

WHEREAS, increased PSRP efficiency and flexibility may augment our members' job security and the quality of education in our schools by helping to prevent districts from privatizing school services or taking other high-risk approaches to solving problems in the delivery of educational services:


RESOLVED, that the AFT, in conjunction with local and state federations, develop a research clearinghouse to identify best practices in professional development for PSRPs in education and that this information be disseminated to state and local affiliates; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT work with locals and state federations to develop policies/programs that assist in identifying the range of PSRP skills, create standards for our occupations, develop assessment procedures that reflect the quality education services currently provided by our members, and set in place certification, apprenticeship, and special license procedures for PSRPs; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT work with locals and state federations to educate school districts and policy-makers on the fundamental importance of professional development for PSRPs in the delivery of flexible, efficient, quality education services; and

RESOLVED, that AFT locals and state federations work with districts to create or expand existing PSRP professional development programs that enable PSRPs to meet standards and improve their skills and their professions as they take on new roles in education; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT work with locals and state federations to educate school districts on the importance of dedicating resources to PSRP professional development programs, through, for example, labor-management cooperation programs, career ladders, or contractual arrangements in collective bargaining agreements.
