AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, professional staff in higher education serve in positions that link academic and administrative services for students such as student advisors, information technologists, laboratory managers, admissions personnel, financial aid counselors, public relations specialists and many others; and

WHEREAS, higher education professional staff represent almost 20 percent of the total higher education workforce and are increasing at a faster rate than any other group of higher education professionals; and
WHEREAS, professional staff members serve with great distinction on campuses across the country, contributing directly to the learning process and making an invaluable contribution to students and the institutions that employ them; and
WHEREAS, professional staff members are trained to understand student needs and provide specialized care and learning opportunities outside of the classroom; and
WHEREAS, the AFT higher education program and policy council, after soliciting input from professional staff members around the country, published a document entitled “Standards of Good Practice in the Employment of Professional Staff in Higher Education” to serve as the basis for further AFT advocacy on professional staff issues:
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers endorse the principles encompassed in the publication Standards of Good Practice in the Employment of Professional Staff in Higher Education; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers endorse the following principles of employment appearing in the Standards of Good Practice in the Employment of Professional Staff in Higher Education:
  • professional staff should be hired based on procedures mutually agreed upon by administration and professional staff representatives;
  • professional staff should be guaranteed a voice in decision making through strong, open and cooperative partnership with university administration;
  • professional staff should have a clear performance evaluation system based on current and accurate job descriptions;
  • professional staff should, after completing a probationary period, be entitled to job security; professional staff should have a comparable tenure-style due-process system with long-term contracts, adequate notice of nonrenewal, seniority ranking, and freedom to challenge management without sanctions.
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers endorse the following principles of compensation delineated in the Standards of Good Practice in the Employment of Professional Staff in Higher Education:
  • professional staff should have a fair and equitable salary classification structure for each job title;
  • professional staff positions should have a salary structure based on years of experience and include provisions such as negotiated minimum salaries, advancement steps and salary ranks;
  • professional staff should receive paid sick leave, paid holidays and breaks, health and pension benefits, and any other benefits necessary, comparable to those of faculty;
  • professional staff should have the option of sabbaticals or education leaves;
  • professional staff should be considered for promotions or salary increases based on professional development, supplemental education and years of experience; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers endorse the following principles of professional respect and support appearing in the Standards of Good Practice in the Employment of Professional Staff in Higher Education:
  • professional staff must have representation with full voting privileges on academic and institutional governing boards;
  • upon initial appointment, professional staff should be formally oriented to the institution, the department or equivalent, and the institution’s governance structure;
  • professional staff should have suitable working conditions and access to support services necessary to fulfill their responsibilities; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers endorse the following standards for union representation appearing in the Standards of Good Practice in the Employment of Professional Staff in Higher Education:
  • higher education unions representing professional staff should designate positions for them on their board of officers so that professional staff issues are included in the local union’s decision- making process;
  • professional staff shall have full voting rights on all union matters;
  • professional staff should be guaranteed due process on all formal arbitrations and grievances;
  • local, state and national unions should provide all members—both professional staff and classroom faculty—with information on the role of professional staff in higher education; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers shall, in consultation with the union’s higher education professional staff leaders, develop a program to promote the adoption of these standards by affiliates and the implementation of these standards on campus.
