AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, on June 2, 1998, the voters of California rejected the latest effort of anti-union forces to silence the political voices of the members of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and other unions by defeating Proposition 226 (so-called "Paycheck Protection") by a vote of 53.5 percent to 46.5 percent; and

WHEREAS, the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) implemented an expanded political program that included extensive phone bank activity by each local, mail from the local leadership to its members, member-to-member contact and encouragement of locals to establish active COPE committees for political activity and fundraising; and

WHEREAS, such an expanded political action program proved to be very effective as represented by the fact that 78 percent of CFT's members ultimately opposed California's Proposition 226, and thereby helped bring about its defeat; and

WHEREAS, the opponents of the AFT and other unions have promised to continue to aim at the heart of working families by passing "Paycheck Protection" initiatives and legislation in a majority of states and Congress; and

WHEREAS, the members of the AFT are employees whose working conditions and job security are directly affected by our public and political leaders at every level of government and, therefore, their interests must be advanced through political action as well as through collective bargaining; and

WHEREAS, the interests of AFT members have been directly under attack by opponents at the local, state and national levels, including, but not limited to: the imposition of school vouchers; implementation of school takeovers; attacks on due-process rights; attacks on collective bargaining rights; and attacks on a union's right to participate in the political process (so-called "Paycheck Protection"); and

WHEREAS, the AFT has always supported elected officials who pro-actively fight on behalf of the interests of AFT members in the political/legislative arena, including, but not limited to, efforts to:

  • reduce class size;
  • raise the standards of student discipline and academic achievement;
  • provide for school construction and modernization;
  • enact a Patient Bill of Rights with "whistleblower" protections for health care employees;
  • provide greater access to higher education;
  • promote quality government services;
  • guarantee secure pensions; and

WHEREAS, members overwhelmingly support our involvement in issues-based political activities and elections; and

WHEREAS, an expanded program of member political education and activity has proven to be an effective means to defend our members and advocate on their behalf:

RESOLVED, that the AFT recommit to promoting and implementing a strong grassroots political education program for our members at the local, state and national union levels. (Executive Council)
