AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Northeast and Midwest industrialized states are presently experiencing extremely high unemployment levels; and

WHEREAS, the economy of these states is threatened by the decline in the manufacturing capacity of our nation, itself due to the lack of a coherent national approach to our economic needs and development; and

WHEREAS, these states suffer from a loss of jobs; and

WHEREAS, these states receive far fewer federal dollars in programs coming into their states than they pay into the federal treasury; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers state federations in these states find their ability to insure adequate salaries, benefits, and working conditions for their members and to provide quality education to students jeopardized by this declining area economy and decaying tax base:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge all senators and representatives to advocate and support legislation which will insure that the Northeast and Midwest industrialized states receive their fair share of federal funds.
